Meet Kenzie Rutabaga...

When you begin your Second Life, the whole thing seems unreal, well it is really, but it's got such potential and so much to try and do and see and explore. The learning curve is crazy, one day you don't even know how to zoom in on an object to get a closer look, but the next day you've met someone who has taught you some tricks and you're building your own objects! There are numerous classes/lectures to take that can help speed up your learning as well. Everything from "How to Manage Your Inventory" (which can get a bit out of hand with all the wacky freebies you find throughout Second Life...watermelon launcher anyone?) to "Scripting 101". Whether your a complete newbie or an old pro there seems to always be something to learn.
It's just an amazing place(if i can call it that) with so much to try, i've been to a bowling alley, a drive-in theatre, amusement park, zoo, many many shops, and of course some great(and not so great) dance clubs. You name it and it exists in Second Life, and even some things you've never heard of and maybe wished you still hadn't heard of!(ummm....pony girls??)
Not that I'm judging....because that's the one thing you cannot do in Second Life. Well, you should not do it because then why bother exploring a Second Life? You could have just stayed content in your first life and never gone beyond it to see what was out there. You may be amazed or even horrified at what you find, but never judge because you may find yourself at the Pony Girl Corral one day having a look-see and deciding you want to be saddled up too!
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