Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

As the sun sets on another day in Second Life, I shall say toodles for a bit...(like what i did there?? haha) I going to be away for a little bit on a much needed real life vacation......ooooh real life, what's that again?
I am looking forward to it but i'll miss SL and all y'all in it! See ya again soon! Don't rip the club apart!!! Hahah! And send me IM's and snaps a plenty too, i don't want to miss out too much!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Halloween Ended In Tears
Well, Halloween started out fun and frightening.....well maybe not so frightening. I had trick or treating at my desk at work, and was ready to come home and have a great time at the Clock Tower's Halloween Party. I had my dinner and sat in front of the PC, turned it on and attemtped to connect to the internet....redial.......redial........my stress level increasing........redial........ok, restart the PC, the old on/off maneuvre........click to connect to internet.......redial.........redial.......tears welling up.........redial........work dammit!!!!!
No such luck. BT had ruined my night. We were told by the BT Customer Service chappy that we should try to connect again in 2 hours time since it was a network ouotage, a-huh. I kept hitting the button FOR two hours! Ha! I probably caused a bit of delay in the fixing of the outage, ha! The only thing we could do was call our awesome Canadian pal, yes he was actually in Canada, and beg him to download Second Life, log on and explain what had happened. He was great and did it without making too much fun of us. Ha! He explained why we weren't going to host, or even attend, our own Halloween party to our guests at The Clock Tower, who we never saw ourselves. BT had ruined Halloween for me! Ha!
I soon got online(only the next morning before work) and logged on to a few IM's asking what had happened, etc....but the overal message was a really warm & fuzzy one. We had been missed, and people had suggested a Halloween Party re-do a few nights later. So we had that re-do party and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Thanks to all our buddies in Second Life who are lots of fun and really great people!!! Hehe, just had to say that :)