Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Me in the sewer, how cute!
So I'm sitting here in RL watching the CSI with SL in it.....oh man it's weird! Their take on it is better then the BBC's crappy "Adultery & virtual relationships" in SL show...yikes that was bad. So yeah, i think it's funny that they all use voice and stuff, it's such a modern version of SL, what about us old skool non-voice people? hehe And the islands they visit, the whole gladiator thing, what was that all about? And when Stella refers to the bf of the dead av in SL becoming a "furry" to sneak up on the baddie, well.... how did she get so trendy to know all the lingo and stuff.....or am i just really out of it and does everyone know what a furry is in RL? I sure as hell didn't! I do now, but it's a steeeeep-ass learning curve in SL, ha!

Anyway, i can't seem to turn it off, which is saying something, go CSI! Woot woot! Can't wait to see how it ends.......


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