Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Photo Shoot - Velmwend

Velmwend Pontippopidan(something like that?) what a handsome speciman of the Crynom Race. And full of patience too! Thank god for that! Ha!

Yet another round of messing around with photo fun! Altho back to Paintshop since someone hasn't managed to get my PhotoShop up & running again, ooops! Paintshop just ain't the same, but we use what we have access too :)

Thanks for letting me snap ya Velm!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Photo Shoot - Adelle

Patience of a saint! Adelle is a fabulous model, and thank you so much for posing for me! Gorgeous!
I've been messing around with light effects and in general i'm pleased with them, but i need to move to the next step.........and the question is.......what is it? Hahahaha!
I cannot yet add things to a photo or take away imperfections for that matter......with what little i know now, i have to work with what is IN the snapshot and just tweak it with the filter effects.......but what should I attempt to learn next?
Ack! Tooooooo much to choose from......someone help to narrow the scope.....any ideas? Ha!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Photo Shoot - Blunked

And the third on the Trilogy Photo Shoot day! Teehee! Yet another patient victim, Erm...i mean model! Altho this one was a bit friskier and kept wanted to play on the boingy monkey! Haha!
But thanks to you Blunked for letting me snap ya! I'm pleased with the results and i got tons of practice from the experience!!!
*hugs to all the victi.....erm, i mean....MODELS!!!!*
Now, i need some lady models.........any takers???

Photo Shoot - Gore

And.....victim number 2.......another pleasantly patient fellow!

Gore and his photo shoot with Gore could be complete without snapping shots of his chunky metallic footwear, yup!
What do we think of these? Any feedback please??

Photo Shoot - Topher

So, i figured instead of just mish-mashing all the photos on one entry, i should divide them up into manageable chunks for easy-viewing. *grins*
Cuz it's all abut viewing pleasure! So hopefully it's more pleasurable to view them this way!
I'm not claiming to be any good at this, but it's the practice that makes perfect, as with anything, so let me know what you think, and if you want to help me practice, send me an IM!!!!!
This is Topher Delcon's Photo Shoot, my first victim with the patience of a saint, altho maybe he was "away from keyboard" the whole time so it didn't matter! Tee-hee!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Lighting Effects Cracked!

Well then, that's a days worth of messing around with PhotoShop and FINALLY i find the lighting filters!!! Woooohoooo!

It's been fun taking self-portraits, but I think I need to expand and take snaps of OTHER people! I'm ready to test my skills on other! hahahahah

Who's first then?????

*evil laugh*

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Lover of Amusement

Koreshan Pointe! Fabulous! Not only home to some awesome shops in Second Life, but it's also designed as a rundown old style amusement park!
I recently had the opportunity to wander around this SIM aimlessly while i was unable to teleport anywhere else, hehe, but it is great! The music was perfectly chosen (1920's music) and i actually asked the SIM owner for the address of the music stream cuz i loved it! I specifically loved the teapot ride,'s not really a functioning "ride" as such, but it spins round & round and has little teacups around it! How cute!
Plus i had my fortune told by Zoltar, who happened to be a crap fortune teller, but it was fun nonetheless......definately an ideal place to get "trapped" in SL!!! I'd highly recommend it, even if you do have functioning TP abilities! Ha!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Inevitable Entry On Crashing in SL

So yes, it's inevitable that anyone who has a blog relating to Second Life has an entry on the fun & wacky crashes that we all know and have come to love(yeah right!). Second Life is hmmm.......rather unstable at times? Is that a nice way to say it?

We may pay them to use their fabulous product(some of us more then others), and yes getting a paid account is by choice, but sheesh! How many crashes can one expect to have a week? Bah!

My latest crash-scenario is when i am somewhere with a bit more then a couple of people......say, my lil DnB club for example(woot!)..... and i decide i want to preserve that moment on virtual film.....even just to prove that that many people were there at one time!! Ha! Well it's just NOT GONNA HAPPEN! hahahaha!


I crash every time i attempt to take a little Snapshot in a crowd(and sometimes in not so crowded places).

So, that really sucks, and i really don't get why that happens? But then again i'm not so up on all things PC like some of my fellow Second Lifers.

I've gotten used to the crash routine though...... my poor little PC does that hesitating thing & pausing the visuals, then repeats the same beat about twelve times on the current tune.....the first time it happened i thought it was a very original piece of drum & bass, hahahah, little did i know! And now....... i just roll my eyes and think "Here we go again!!!"

It's a love/hate relationship...we love to hate the crashing!!! But it does keep Second Life interesting or does it? I dunno, i'm grasping at straws to find a positive!?

A little help please??

Rainy Days & Strait Jackets

Strait Jacket....check.
Spikey kick-ass boots......check.
A follower rain cloud that only rains on you........CHECK!
What a perfectly fun day in Second Life! hahaha!
It's all about the toys i tell you, it really is!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dust, dust, dust

Anyone need a maid??

Hehe, i hate cleaning in RL but give me a fun "dusting" gesture with a feather duster in SL and i'll clean your virtual house for hours!!

Who thought cleaning could be so darn sexy anyway?!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Fat Couch

Here it is folks.......the FAT COUCH!!!! How cool is it? You know you want one too! It's got that perfect "cutesy overstuffed cottage couch that all my friends can pile on top of & chill out for hours and hours" look going on.....don't you think?

Come on over and test it out, i promise your bum will thank you for the experience! This Fat Couch is muy perfecto!!

Oh yeah, and i think Gore came up with the kudos and thanks to you G-man!