Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Sunday, October 01, 2006

DJ Velmwend

This is DJ Velmwend who is the fuzz at the Clock Tower, he keeps the peace, hehe. He's the proud builder of the club and a fine builder at that!

Second Life let's people realize their creative potential. Someone who spends their 9 to 5 doing office work can spend time in their Second Life as a creative genius. They finally get to show the world, all be it a virtual world, what fabulous creativity lies within them.

It also allows the average Joe(or Jane) to explore their innerself and try things they've never tried before in real life. One can choose to be a DJ, a pole-dancer, a model, a slave, a smurf, a butcher or whatever they can imagine, and sometimes all in one day! Even if you can't create it yourself, there is usually someone in the game who has either thought of it already and can sell it to you, or can help create it for you!

Always something new to try!


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