Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Kai played a great show at Club Reactor the other day (Yes, I know it's shocking! I've been somewhere other then The Clock Tower!), so we checked it out, and look what we found!!!

A fabulous hookah!! So we copped a squat on a cushion and chilled around the hooka while Kai played some tunage. Wasn't I the Lucky one, just me and three hunky men!!!! Woohooo! I like those odds!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Awesome Tattoo.....

Well, some might have noted that i have a thing for gasmasks lately, and a friend kindly thought of me when they saw this tattoo at Inkd, by Sinjun Soyer, and voila! Look at it! Isn't it just GORGEOUS! There's some detailed design on the front of the arms that you can't see in this view, but i love it! The designers there makes some fine tattoos! And who doesn't think this makes gasmasks look sexy.....of course it does!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Call an Exterminator....

He is our hero
Get rid of
Step on spider
We love you spider
I promise not to kill you
We love you spider
Get rid of
Must stop
He is our hero
Got to love They Might Be Giants :) and luckily Gore plays some TMBG songs when he dj's, he rocks!!! Wooot!

More flame effects....lovely!

Yea, i love a good fireplace! And a good friend in front of it! Ha! I'm having fun taking pics in SL lately, i have a huge file on my pc of all sorts of stuff 've snapped. I take like 5, 6, 7+ shots of the same thing hoping to get the perfect angle, right look, catch a moment, etc... and then realize i don't like the set-up, bah! And then of course there's the wardrobe! I can't help but change my clothes like twice a day when i'm online, and it's fun to do photoshoots of the fun stuff i buy(see below) but then again, i don't get to wear it so much on a day to day basis....although, saying that, i have been wearing my gasmask a lot lately, i love it! The noise is great and i can change the color of the eye lenses! Woot to KDC!!!!! Maybe my gasmask will focus in my pics more often! ha! And i was given a fabulous prezzie the other day from my good pal Cavan....along the lines of the gasmask thing, an awesome tattoo......hmmmm....i'll have to take a photo!!! Watch this space!!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007


So, i'm trying some new looks, what ya think? Yet another Grrr day......ooooh it's fun to wear latex!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

It's a GRRRR Day!

Ever have one of those days when you just want to lie back, put yer gasmask on, breathing in and out like darth vader and feel......well, just feel all GRRRRR!!!!

I did today.

So i did just that, and boy did it feel good, romping around The Clock Tower and the shops with my romper stomper spiky mens boots and gas mask scaring the crap outta the newbies who were all like "Ack! What is that?????"

I thought i looked hawt and totally funkified in my GRRRRR outfit!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Snowflake racing!

It's snowing! What fun! Sasha and I had some fun at a Winter/Christmas Festival, and she won the snowflake race.... altho..... i think she cheated.....not sure HOW though, hahah! Santa even showed up and gave away some free lindens, woot! Free is fab!

More Randomness

Random stuff is good! And when you're lazy and short on time, it's EVEN better! Ha! I love my pearls........they're lovely!