Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Friday, October 06, 2006

Birds eat in Second Life!

There are little cute birds that you can feed in a lovely little Artifically Intelligent area called Svarga. You buy the "bird food" for 1L(what about .002cents or something equally as small?) put it on the ground in the Svarga region and the birds come to eat! They are smart little virtual creatures, similar to the other little artificially intelligent beings in Svarga, they have a mind of their own. This area seems to be changing everytime you go! There are rainclouds that downpour when they are ready to, and flowers springing up & blooming where creatures have dropped seeds and the insects have pollinated them......however it works in real life, the designer of Svarga has immitated it in this fabulous virtual area! A work of art and ingenuity!


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