Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Three cheers for friends who own fabulous SIMs!!!!!! Woot for Sasha & Gore!! Thanks to them, The Clock Tower has a new lag-less home, and i have a fabulous korner to kurl up and kollect my thoughts in.
My new favoritest SIM ever!
Hip Hip Horray!
Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Horray!
(and no, contrary to popular belief i do NOT have issues with spelling, i just thought it was fun illiteration or whatnot......and i'll have you know that when i was 13 i won a Spelling Bee and i have a little trophy somewhere in a box to prove it! Ha! I even beat the class brain to win it! Woot for Spelling, altho me & that's a whole 'nuther issue......Hehe)


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