Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Monday, February 26, 2007

Sasha, just hanging around.....

Ok, so that joke just NEVER seems to get old in my book......sorry! Yeah, this is Sasha getting hooked on Hell, hehe. We recently had the opportunity to be shown Hell & it's fun bits, so of course we went and we loved it! Well, as much as you can love hell, that is.

And come hot does Sasha look dangling like a piece of raw flesh off a huge shiny metallic hook of death? I love it!!!!

Boingy Monkey & A Sunrise

Ahhh..........sitting on my rusty boingy monkey watching a sunrise........perfection!


Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Cliffs of Kokiri...

So this is me "contemplating life" thanks to one of Adelle's poseballs, heheh, it's perfect for a sunset, or was this a sunrise, never can tell really in SL, but it's gorgeous anyway!!

I've got a little corner of Kokiri now to call my home, and it's lovely! On my corner, I have a boingy monkey to ride on (to eliminate boredom on lonely nights, hehe), and a Mookah (A "thank you" Woot to Sasha for that gem!) for all my smoking needs.

I've got some craggy cliffs (again, thanks to adelle, what would i do without you babe?! hehe) to sit and contemplate on, and there's some fabulous foliage thanks to EssGee's Landscaping Shop(aka: Sasha & Gore's creations, the reason for this awesome SIM) and of course, there are gorgeous views of neverending water!

When the weather is bad(is it ever? haha) I can retire to my cosy cottage (made for me by Velmwend - that fabulous alien!) and sip hot cocoa while sitting by the log fire to warm my tootsies (that's toes to you none americans!!) and then curl up on my overstuffed way-to-big-for-a-tiny-cottage Fat Couch(as Gore called it "Fat couch in a little cottage," or something along those lines, tee-hee!) what more can a gal ask for in this Second Life?

Well, actually some great neighbors would be nice.....Oh wait! Look! i HAVE great neighbors! hahaha! Damn i really am set up sweetly!!! How can you NOT love Kokiri??? Haha!



Three cheers for friends who own fabulous SIMs!!!!!! Woot for Sasha & Gore!! Thanks to them, The Clock Tower has a new lag-less home, and i have a fabulous korner to kurl up and kollect my thoughts in.
My new favoritest SIM ever!
Hip Hip Horray!
Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Horray!
(and no, contrary to popular belief i do NOT have issues with spelling, i just thought it was fun illiteration or whatnot......and i'll have you know that when i was 13 i won a Spelling Bee and i have a little trophy somewhere in a box to prove it! Ha! I even beat the class brain to win it! Woot for Spelling, altho me & that's a whole 'nuther issue......Hehe)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Random Babblings On A Theme......

Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.

I love that!!!!!! To be honest, i've found that i have some amazing friends in Second Life.....funny that...making friends in a virtual world, so is it virtual friendship? Hmmm.....

Well I don't think so. They're real as, well real as any other friendship based on things that people tell you, cuz that's what SL is.....interaction of people, virtual or whatever!

And i'm sorry but to the people who say "SL is SL" and "RL is seperate from SL", well i say: Bah! That's utter crap! Your avatar and what you do/say is an extension of yourself....maybe not ALL of you, or the everyday you, or even the best parts of you, but it is YOU nonetheless. You create the sentences that you type, you react and interpret what others say to you, so that can't help but be YOU. Who else could it be, huh? And, if it is you, well then it's RL, right?

Unless you are some artificially intelligent computer creation who magically has managed to create a second life account......oooh, now that'd be an amazing feat! I'd like to meet you if that IS the case! Ha!

At least that's what I think anyway.....but hey, who am i in the scheme of things?!? Ya never know, i could be yer next virtual friend? hahahah!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Fun with Paintshop

This is one of the snaps i was messing with today in my journey to figure out how to use Paintshop.....and i'm quite please with my very basic result! Ha!
Me & my romper stomper boots that could seriously kick some bad griefer arse!!!!
So if anymore griefers come my way, ooooh they're in for a wallop! Ha! version of a wallop, that is!
Ps.......can't turn off The Fray's "How to Save A Life" Album, man i love it!! what's that all about????

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Fire, Fire, Fire!!!!

Yeah, i think i had this pic before, but who cares, i love it! *sizzle, sizzle* I'm so hot!! *fans herself*
Hahahaha! You could fry an egg on me.....mmmm..... eggs..... and bacon........ with syrup........ and pancakes........ I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!