Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Awesome tatts!

These are some damn fine tattoos/body graffiti done by Canimal and they are superb! There is some amazing body art available in world. Makes it possible to be creative yourself and express your mood at a moments notice, using tattoos as jewellry really. I love it!

This is me in my punky, kick ass, laced-up-leather sort of mood.

Of course, you have to always be on the look out for more fabulous tatts to add to the collection.....just like clothes and hair! There's always shopping to be done, and yes that sounds so cliche, but let me tell you, i never shop this much in real life, so let me have my second life shopping sprees to make up for it!!!


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