Kenzie's Korner

A peek into Kenzie Rutabaga's exploration of Second Life

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Relay For Life in Second Life

"What is the Second LifeĀ® Relay for Life (SLRFL)?

It's a volunteer-driven effort to hold an American Cancer Society Relay For Life event in the Second LifeĀ® world. It's a walk-a-thon in cyberspace, where SL residents gather, camp out, dance, donate money and of course walk our custom built track that encompasses the 96 acre park. "

-from the American Cancer Society's webpage

Well, there ya go, another example of how real life can be represented and havea positive impact on our world within this virtual world that we love. I had a peek at this, although i was too late to partake in the actual relay in SL this year, but it was fantastic looking! The build itself was really a sight to see. They had many different countries/themes represented and it was just fun to walk through it to see what was next. The fact that people volunteered to create the project, take part in it in world, and then the generousity of those within SL helped to raise $40,000USD is just amazing and warms the cockles of your heart. Good on ya!

Every time I go on SL i find something new, creative or just fascinating, and this is just one of many that are doing good for real life as well as entertaining people in their second lives.


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